Tuesday, November 09, 2004

And as Rat requested... here's a picture of my mouse pad. Funny you should pick it... there's actually a semi-amusing story behind it. It was given to me by my friend Corey Haim (yes, he's Canadian!), for my 26th birthday. He also gave me a Wonder Woman Pez dispenser. It was a Wonder Woman themed birthday. :-D


Blogger Sam said...

Wonder Woman rocks! Steve Trevor rocks, too! Corey Haim, huh? That's pretty cool. I loved his 80's movies, especially Lost Boys.

1:24 PM  
Blogger celestial blue said...

Yeah, Lost Boys remains one of my favourites. Sometimes it's hard if we're out in public and people recognize him (which happens most of the time, but I forget who he is because to me...well, he's just my buddy, Corey! :-).
People will yell out his name, or worse, they yell out "Lucas!!!". (one of his first films in which he played a geeky little kid. very sweet though)

1:30 PM  

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