Saturday, March 26, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Baby Isaac
This is my friend's baby, Isaac. He's about 8 months old. My friend brings his son out to meet me for coffee on the weekend while mom stays home and gets a break. This is how Isaac usually looks when he shows up with daddy at the coffee shop.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Sunday, March 13, 2005
snow excursion
Today my parents and I decided to take a day trip up north to see my grandma; she's feeling a little lonely and snowed in these days. So we drove 2 hours north, ate lunch, played cards, and drove 2 hours back. And the difference in locales in terms of snow was amazing..... in Toronto it was -2C/28.4F and hardly any snow. Up north it was -25C-13F and TONS of snow (and even snowing while I was there!)
Monday, March 07, 2005
every little girl wants a pony!
This is the bronze statue my dad brought back for me from his busines trip to China. It's a replica of the horse statues in the Terra Cotta Army of the Qin Dynasty.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
my curling adventure
So last Friday my friends and I decided to take on the great Scottish sport known as Curling. Oh sure, none of us had actually ever curled before, but who cares! We had us a sheet of ice from 11pm - 1am and we intended to have a great time, damnit! Armed with instructions from the internet, we were good to go.
my Oscar ballot
For Oscar night my friends and I totally geeked out and printed up ballots so we could make our guesses as to who would win. We made it a two-tiered system in which we checked off who we thought would win and who we would LIKE to win in each category.. I got a total of 12 guesses right, bringing me in second place behind my friend who got a whopping 16 right. Damn these graduates of film studies!! They're no fun!!